Shannon Lopez
Nationally Recognized Credit Expert Shannon started her first credit repair business in 1987 as an affiliate of a major credit repair firm that handled national and international credit repair. She learned about how the credit repair laws can help consumers through their classes and gained a fair amount of knowledge of how to fight for consumers’ rights through that venture. Shortly after assisting clients with that first company, she left to start her own independent credit repair company. She successfully maintained a 100% success rate for her clients for 22 years. Her knowledge of the credit laws, case law, and many other legal sources catapulted her to one of the leading experts across the country in the field of credit repair. In 2000 she also became a licensed real estate agent. She became the in-house credit expert and successfully repaired the credit of prospective buyers for both other agents and loan officers for the brokerage. News of her expertise spread to other real estate firms and mortgage loan brokers and she became their go to credit repair specialist to get their clients’ credit reports and credit scores up to where they could close deals. She has mentored hundreds of credit repair professionals, taught credit repair companies the art of credit repair using federal and state laws, as well as other federal Acts, UCC, case law and much more. In 2007 she created a blog to teach the average consumer how to repair their credit reports on their own after being disgusted with the misinformation and bad advice found on most blogs, websites, and videos online. She has maintained the determination to continue to share and teach the truth about credit repair and has assisted thousands of consumers both with do-it-yourself assistance and as her clients. Shannon has been a guest and guest host on several national and local radio shows. She has done seminars for prospective homeowners to assist them in getting ready to purchase their homes through the improvement of their credit reports and scores. She is a strong advocate for consumers’ credit rights and continues to research and expand her knowledge to assist others. She is nationally recognized in the credit repair industry and has a vast knowledge that surpasses many of the leaders across the country in the credit repair field. Professionals far and wide seek her out for assistance with their difficult files. She has a passion to right the wrongs committed against consumers by the credit bureaus, creditors and collectors. In 2013 Shannon joined forces with Insight Credit Group. Together, the client base has expanded and exponentially increased the number of consumers with fresh, clean credit, allowing them to be able to rebuild to a level that enables them to enjoy reaching their credit goals, including being able to purchase their homes, cars and be rewarded with desired credit lines. Insight Credit Group (ICG) has quickly become the preferred credit repair service for many real estate and loan officers’ clientreferrals, as well as tax and insurance professionals’ referrals. Since Shannon joined ICG, they have also expanded to be the processing choice for a number of other credit repair companies that desire the successful results ICG’s clients enjoy. Shannon will be celebrating 30 years in the credit repair industry in January 2017, which will create a combined 50 years of knowledge and experience for Insight Credit Group that continues to consistently produce excellent and far superior results for their clients than available with most any other credit repair company in the United States. |